Terry Copp & Bill McAndrew, Battle Exhaustion: Soldiers and Psychiatrists in the Canadian Army 1939 – 1945, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1990
A critique of military commanders who thought strict discipline coupled with high morale from good training and success in battle would keep battle exhaustion in check, and of officers in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps who tried to impose theoretical solutions that did not fit the circumstances.
Hillsman, John Burwell, Eleven Men and a Scalpel, Columbia Press, Winnipeg, 1948
An account of the experiences of No. 8 Canadian Field Surgical Unit following the Normandy landings.
Feasby, W.R. Official History of the Canadian Medical Services 1939 -1945, Volume One and Two, (Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier, Queens Printer and Controller of Stationary, 1953.
Normandy Landing
While no doubt many have been viewed this is an exceptionally good collection of D Day photographs presented as a PowerPoint slide show.
Harold Russell, 24th Canadian Field Ambulance Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, Canadian Military History, Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 1999, pp.65 – 74
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