Letters from Sarajevo, Colonel E.P. (Peter) Green, CD, MD, Retired, January – June 1996
The letters provide an overview of the multi-national military medical organization in support of NATO operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina from a Canadian perspective. and excellent insight on the challenges of delivering medical support in multi-national theatre of operations. Click here to read.
Starlight Afghanistan: Our Story in South-West Asia
This must have book was commissioned by former Surgeon General, Commodore Hans Jung, to document the rotation of health services personnel to Afghanistan from beginning to end. Most of the tours were described and written by the task force commanders with input from their members with photos. It is really an “oral history” written from the perspective of those deployed. It needed to be done before memory fades as official history will not be written for a decade or more, if ever. Click here to obtain your copy
The Operational Art : Canadian Perspectives : Health Service Support , Kingston ON, Canadian Defence Academy Press 2006, ISBN 0-662-44241-5.
This is the third volume in The Operational Art series published by the Canadian Defence Academy Press. The purpose of these volumes is to offer perspectives on distinct Canadian approaches to the operational art, based on our national and military cultures and historical experience. This volume articulates the nature of health service support, depicts and interprets various concepts of health service support, and examines Health Service Support (HSS) doctrinal concepts in a Canadian context at the operational level. It aims to contribute to the debate on how HSS can be transformed to meet the challenges of current and future security environment.
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